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Ladies Championship Triples


Patron            Barry Elshaw

President       Frank Aldridge

Chairperson  Nicolette Aldridge 

Treasurer       Deirdre Parkes

Secretary         Lorraine Smith

Board Members

Nicolette Aldridge, Judith Payne, Eddie Ashcroft, Julie Lamont, Terry Kelly, Gerry Wright

Phone  07 578 6213 (answerphone)


Works and Maintenance           Gerry Wright,

Bowls                                         Judith Payne

Bar                                              Julie Lamont

Sponsorship                              Terry Kelly

Membership & Administration Judith Payne

Functions and Hospitality        Julie Lamont

Health & Safety                           Eddie Ashcroft

Works Superintendent               Neil Daysh

Strategic Planning                   Nicolette Aldridge

Greenkeeping Superintendents

Barry Karl & Barry Bettelheim

Match Convenor     

Ian Sanderson,

Match Committee   

Ian Sanderson, Deirdre Parkes                     Lorraine Ashcroft, Pauline Bowler,                     John Smith & Judith Payne

Wednesday Roll Up

Frank Mc Guigan, John Cousins

Friday Roll Up

Karin Teague, Rene de Vries,                          Russell Doney & Mac McEwen

Business House

Frank Aldridge                       027 663 3070

Sunday Roll Up

Leo Sinden


Mary Smale  (Convenor)

Heather Gilbert

Frank Aldridge

Chris Allan

Sean Armstrong


Terry Leadbetter

Andre Hudson

Eddie Ashcroft

Pat Andrews

Pat Dillon

Club Captains

Heather Gilbert & Jason Lamont


Eddie Ashcroft, Barry Karl, Ian Sanderson, Robyn Crawford & Meg Dillon

Centre Delegates

Judith Payne

Terry Kelly

Nicolette Aldridge

Western Division Delegates

John Smith

Rene de Vries

Combined Clubs Delegates

Heather Gilbert & Pauline Bowler

Welfare Officers  & Hospital Visits

Raewynne & Barry Elshaw


Jan Hausman


Frank Aldridge

Deirdre Parkes

Eddie Ashcroft

Facebook Adminstration

Jan Hausman

Pauline Bowler

Nicolette Aldridge